Tweetup at River’s Edge Social

It’s time to mark the date in your calendars! August’s Tweetup will be held at River’s Edge Social on Tuesday, August 27 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

River’s Edge Social is a fun and fairly new establishment in our neighborhood. They offer a wonderful selection of appetizers and entrees as well as a wide variety of drinks. Click here for the menu. If you haven’t visited River’s Edge Social this is the perfect opportunity to check it out and make some new friends too.

Tweetup’s are LPNA’s monthly happy hours. We like to support our local restaurants on a night that is typically quiet for them as well as invite you to join us. You do not have to be an LPNA member, there is no agenda, you can stay as long as you like, you have no obligation to purchase anything, but if you do, please ensure that you pay your own bill. Tweetup’s were created to enable neighbors to meet neighbors, make new friends, support our local eating/drinking establishments, meet our Alderman and just have a fun night out.

We hope to see you at our next Tweetup at River’s Edge Social!