Spring Park Clean-Up

Spring Lindenwood Park Clean-up

Saturday April 6, 2024 is our time to come together as a community, get to know one another, and make our park look its best. We will gather at 9 a.m. at the park pavilion and work until noon. All help is welcome whether you stay an hour or the  entire time.

Projects include:
⁃             Weed the flower beds
⁃             Lay mulch
⁃             Sweep the pavilion
⁃             Pick up down tree limbs throughout the park
⁃             Trash pick-up
⁃             Remove leaves from the tennis courts and roller rink
⁃             General sprucing up of our park

Bring your favorite gardening gloves and tools to help get these jobs done.

Students who need service hours, this is a perfect opportunity to serve your community. Hope to see you Saturday at 9am!
The Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association