Meetup At JJ Twig’s

It’s once again time for our monthly Meetup!

This month we are happy to announce that Meetup will occur on Tuesday August 23rd from 6-8pm! As usual, we encourage you to support our local businesses and this month we will be meeting at JJ Twig’s on the side patio at 5600 Hampton Ave.

If you’re still not comfortable with in-person socializing, please consider getting takeout or delivery from JJ Twig’s.  If you are more comfortable wearing a mask and joining us, that is perfectly understandable.  There is no judgement at Meetup’s!

A Meetup is an opportunity for you to “meet up” with other people from our neighborhood.  It’s a happy hour where you buy your own food and drinks and hang out with a great group of people.  We meet any time between 6-8pm, so stay as long as you like, there is no agenda and it’s an opportunity for you to meet your neighbors, have a few laughs and to sample some foods from our local restaurants.

We hope you’ll join us on Tuesday August 23rd!