LPNA Board Meeting Minutes – 8/17/2024

Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday, August 17 at Machacek Library

Present: Pat Acquisto (call-in), Sara Davis, John Harris, Milton Murry, Greg Roggeman, Lisa Roggeman, Adam Rustige, Jenna Stout, Greg Todd
Apologies: Karen Clifford, Carol Hofer, Bret Narayan, Tim Nowell, Emily Yale
Guests: Daniel Hill

At the beginning of the meeting, the Board was introduced to Daniel Hill, the new legislative assistant for Bret Narayan. Hill remained in attendance for the duration of the meeting. He plans to attend future Board meetings in Bret’s stead as needed.

A motion was made to approve the Minutes from July 17, by Greg Todd, and seconded by John Harris.

The Board discussed the slate of speakers for the upcoming general membership meeting. Adam noted that there were too many guest speakers lined up for the meeting. Milton and Greg Roggeman suggested that speakers be limited to 5 minutes. Since the Budget Charter Amendment and Department of Transportation Charter speakers approached LPNA last, Pat requested that those speakers (Rasheen Aldridge and Michael Browning) be moved to the end of the meeting to keep it on pace.

Neighborhood Meeting: to be held at Watson Terrace Christian Church, September 9th at 7pm

  • Guest speakers – Suzanne of Neighborhood Foresters, Sophia Garcia of SLDC, Rasheen Aldridge (Budget Charter Amendment), Michael Browning (City Department of Transportation Charter Amendment)
  • LPNA Business
  • Elected Officials
  • LASM & Machacek

Aldermanic Report (Bret not in attendance):
Daniel Hill briefly reported that the Budget Charter Amendment had not been signed by the Mayor yet.

NIS Report (Karen not in attendance):
Adam gave the following report on problem properties:

  • 69xx Oleatha– hoarder property with junk in yard. NIS is looking into requiring homeowner to get a business license.

Committee Report


  • Meetup: Next meetup will take place on August 27 at Babe’s (patio). Proposed plans for 2024 (subject to change): September – Aya Sofia (patio), October – Los Arcos, November – Trattoria Marcella.
  • LinFest:
    • Lisa will be distributing the event flyer to vendors, artisans, and others in the coming week.
    • Secured 13 sponsors, 6 food vendors, 2 drink vendors, 12 artisans, 26 business vendors, 1 Bubble Bus, and 1 videogame truck for LinFest.
    • Machacek Library will have a booth with a children’s activity. There will also be a storybook walk.
    • Still waiting to hear back from 2 churches on participation.
    • Tables and chairs are ordered. Items for raffle baskets are secured.
    • Staffing for LPNA table is needed. Volunteers would need to be able to operate PayPal for memberships and purchases.
  • Trivia Night: Pat reported that the event had 14 tables participating with $2700 in proceeds.
  • Lindenwood Live Concerts: Greg reported on low turnouts at the previous concerts due to excessive summer heat. The last concert of the season is scheduled for September.
  • Lawn & Garden Contest: Miriam will be giving out awards at the membership meeting.


  • Park: Emily sent an update via Adam. The tree trimming is not being done by Forestry, so there is a dangerous of limbs falling. Adam plans to submit a CSB Lisa noted that the placement of new trees in the Park is disrupting the plan for tents at upcoming event. Aaron will need to coordinate the future planting of trees with the LPNA. Adam reported on the status of the pickleball court and hockey rinks. In a recent telephone call, Bret noted that Joe Vaccaro did not get certain paperwork finished. Adam would like Pat to follow up with Bret regarding the funding that was designated for this park improvement.
  • Community Garden & Wabash Garden: The mulching event has been canceled. Milton reported that he has been donating produce to an event center on Arsenal. He has also been working with a new Italian squash that is pest-resistant in the garden.
  • Green Team: The next Green Team clean-up is on September 7, the same day as the Park clean-up.


  • Greg Roggeman reported on no major issues with the website. He needs a deadline before adding the safety survey announcement to the LPNA newsletter. John Harris will provide this.


  • Welcome packs: A total of 42 will be going out for the May to July new residents. Over 30 items in each packet now. Eileen Bacon (block captain co-chair) will be taking over the welcome packs. Lisa will remain on as the contact person and continue to get the spreadsheet of new residents from James Joyce.
  • Members: 284 current members (280 in April).


  • A survey will be sent out soon to generate new ideas and help focus committee work.

Block Captains:

  • No major activity updates.

Century Homes:

  • The committee sold 16 plaques and 1 yard stake during the spring sale.
  • Committee members will be gearing up soon for the fall sale.

Treasurer’s Report (Carol not in attendance):

  • Adam will send the report via email to the Board.

 Old Business

  • LPNA Banner: Lisa is working on ordering new banners.
  • QT: Requesting a meeting with neighborhood associations now that the traffic study has been completed.
  • Eagle Scout Project: Carol has not received an email response yet on this project.
  • Cabinet in Community: Scheduled for either September or October. More information will be sent out soon.

New Business

  • Tree trimming: This was discussed during the Park update. Adam plans to submit a CSB ticket.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15am.
Respectfully submitted,
Jenna Stout