Our next Tweetup has been scheduled!
Venue: Ari’s Restaurant, corner Arsenal & Hampton.
Date: Tuesday February 24th
Time: 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Have you been to a Tweetup / Meetup before? If not, this is a GREAT way to meet some of your neighbors, your Alderman and your Neighborhood Improvement Specialist. We have a great time munching on appetizers, having a couple of drinks and chatting with everyone. There are always lots of laughs and a lot of fun!
Royal Banks of Missouri is collecting non-perishable food items for a food drive benefitting Carondelet Community Betterment Foundation (CCBF) St. Joseph Food Pantry. Alderman Vaccaro has asked that we support this venture, so please bring any non-perishable items to Tweetup and we will forward it to this program. The program runs through April 15th.
A Tweetup is just another name for a happy hour and we organize them at a different place every month in order to support our local restaurants and give you the ideal opportunity to try out a restaurant you may not have been to before.
Come and join us! You’ll have a great time! If you have any questions, please email tweetup@lindenwoodpark.org.