Great Rivers Greenway is thrilled to be extending the River des Peres Greenway through the Lindenwood Park neighborhood in 2016. This new section of greenway will make it possible for individuals to walk or ride a bike from Francis Slay Park, to the Shrewsbury Metrolink Station and all the way to Carondelet Park and the Mississippi River!
Please join representatives from Great Rivers Greenway on
Thursday, March 26
Timothy Lutheran Church Gym
6704 Fyler (corner of Fyler and Ivanhoe)*
You will be able to see conceptual designs and learn more about how this new greenway will connect our neighborhood to parks, schools, businesses and destinations around the region. Traffic patterns on Wabash and the route of the bikepath will be discussed as part of the presentation.
For more information, please contact Megan Reichmann, Project Manager at
314-932-4909 or [email protected]
*Parking is available in the Timothy Lutheran Church Lot. Enter the lot from Ivanhoe. Of course, street parking is also available.