Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2017
Attendance: Colleen Autry, Tim Nowell, Daniel Schmidt, Joe Vaccaro, Craig Strohbeck, Jessica Sullivan, Pat Acquisto, Lisa Roggeman, Greg Roggeman, Janet Desnoyer, Milton Murry, Lindsay Alsop
The February, 2017 minutes were approved.
General Membership Meeting – The meeting will be held at Watson Congregational Church starting with the June meeting. Chairs will have to be set up and taken down before and after each meeting. Janet will order 100 new signs and holders. Dan will get bids on signs and Janet will order.
Possible speaker for the June meeting – Patrick Brown, Chief Resilience Officer for the City.
Park – Colleen Autry was introduced as the co-chair of the park along with Craig. Craig will handle hardscapes; playground, tennis courts, etc. Colleen will handle softscapes; gardens, trees, etc.
Park Clean up is May 6 and Colleen will be coordinating.
Colleen will devise a maser plan for the park. Email- [email protected].
Cabinets have been built for sign holders and pop up tents. We now have additional storage in the room adjacent to the garage.
LED lights have been installed in the park. Craig will see about getting more trash cans.
Joe & Lindsay will check into getting a water faucet installed on the east side of the building.
Board Members – Janet presented responsibilities of the Board President. Replacements were discussed for Kat Flynn and Dan Walk (Dan no longer lives in Lindenwood). Possibilities are Anella Barbinel from Carollton Bank, Carol Hofer, Royal Bank, Nestor Wheelock from South City Computer and Shawn McClain. Decision was to ask Carol Hofer to join as a business representative.
Communications – Greg will work with Nestor to move registration of website from .net to .com or .org. Passwords have been changed on host site.
Businesses – Daniel sent emails to businesses on Ivanhoe and talked to Matt at Vinnie’s about revitalizing Ivanhoe. He is not getting a response from owners. Pat will put him in touch with Bobbie Schmidt from Babe’s.
Membership – Jessica will chair a membership committee consisting so far of Jessica, Tim & Lindsay. Lindsay is interested in doing a mailing. Jessica would like to see a new member raffle through Facebook. She will come up with a plan and submit it to the Board. Greg believes he can get an add-on to the website that will keep track of membership.
Janet proposed a budget item for discretionary spending of the President with a $250 limit every quarter. Receipts will be turned in to the Treasurer. The Board approved.
A member proposed a Board sponsored scholarship to Lindenwood College because of the history of the neighborhood name. The Board did not find it feasible at this time.
Community Garden – 3 beds available, Milt will send info to Greg for an email blast. Vegetables are already coming up.
Events – Flea Mkt. made $585.00. Tweetups: April – El Paisano, May – Edibles & Essentials, June – Pietro’s. Concerts – Bands and food trucks are lined up.
Respectfully Submitted.
Pat Acquisto