LPNA Board Meeting Minutes – 10/14/2020

Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association

October 14, 2020

7pm – 9pm, Online Zoom Meeting



Present: Pat Acquisto, Lisa Roggeman, Milton Murry, Lindsay Alsop, Karen Clifford, Carol Hofer, Tim Nowell, Doug Dick, Adam Rustige, Gabe Gassner, Emily Rogier, Joe Vaccaro, Emily Yale, Greg Roggeman

Apologies: None

Absent: None



The Minutes from August 15, 2020 were approved. Motion made by Tim, seconded by Carol.

It was later noticed that the Minutes reflected, under Streets & Properties, that 6525 Tholozan made mention of the owners being evicted.  This was corrected to read “the Renters were evicted”.


Neighborhood Meeting – this will be a webinar

Guest speakers: spotlight new businesses, ie. Butterfly Fitness and the midwives on Ivanhoe.  Pat to contact Amanda at Forest and Meadows for their info.

Lawn & Garden contest winners – Doug.

Association Business: Tweetups, membership, park etc.

Elected Officials & Karen Clifford.

LASM & Machacek Library.


Committee Reports


Streets & Properties:

  • 7080 Oleatha: Karen has a call in to the owner. Feels she may be overwhelmed with the amount of work that needs to be done to bring the Victorian house up to code.
  • Vacant land next to 7080 Oleatha: This is looking overrun and grass needs cutting. Nothing being done yet.
  • 6977 Pernod: Permits have not been renewed. Kevin Moore (City Inspector) will re-inspect the property. Next step will be to issue a letter from the Court to the owner who lives out of state. Broken windows have been boarded up.
  • 66xx Bancroft: A Cease and Desist letter will be issued to the owners. There is drug activity occurring in the garage.  Court date is set for October 20th.  Project 88 violation will be issued against them.
  • Old Snax: Owners want to sell the property. They have moved all the furniture inside and still need to remove the greasepit.
  • Anmar Photography: Still in probate. The owner’s (heirs) intend to sell the property eventually.
  • 66xx Marquette: A Cease and Desist letter has been issued. There are people living in the garage.
  • 69xx Sutherland: A Cease and Desist letter will be issued. Karen is scheduling a meeting with the owner.
  • 65xx Hancock: Suspicious drug activity with a possible tie to Hucks. Karen is investigating.
  • 6630 Pernod: This is not a problem property, but it has been rehabbed by Palmer Realty Group and they are hoping to contact the owners of 6977 Pernod to try and encourage the project to move along.  Terri Safdori is the agent.
  • 6525 Tholozan: Owner has updated the property and it is for sale/under contract.
  • Hucks: They have not yet applied for an occupancy permit after assuring us they would. Joe will confirm that they are in compliance and have installed lights and cameras as promised.  There seems to be a connection with local drug activity and Hucks.  This is under investigation.
  • 66xx Bancroft: Will issue a Cease & Desist letter.
  • Circle K: Not yet rezoned. We have agreed to keep the neighbors apprised of any happenings.  We still need to put conditions on it.  The 2nd reading will occur on Friday 10/16/20, then Perfection, then the final reading and then it will either pass or not pass.  Joe will confirm with Mary Hart-Burton if we can hold them to the conditions during the zoning process.


Traffic Issues: Fyler & Jamieson:  Options are flashing stop signs and concrete bump outs.

Traffic Issues: Fyler & Watson: We need Ward Capital to do anything.  Pat will send Joe an email requesting something be done by either utilizing flashing lights, bump outs and request and engineering study to be done for a raised intersection.


Karen is keeping a list of vacant properties.  Please advise her of any new vacant properties you see.



  • Tweetup: October 28th from 6pm-8pm via Zoom. This will be promoted via Facebook, Nextdoor, website and Joe’s e-blast.  Curbside pickup from LoRusso’s Cucina is recommended.  Lisa will include the information about Rich LoRusso’s health issues to encourage participation.
  • It was suggested that we hold a social media drive to encourage neighbors to support local businesses. No local business should have to close.
  • Holiday Lighting Contest: Pat will ask Jorie Schuckman if she would like to run with this contest again. No prizes are awarded.  Winners with the most votes get a sign in their yard.



  • Park: We had a great turn out for the park clean up. The pine trees that are dead should be removed this week. The sewer check for the bathrooms will be completed this winter.  There are funds for the playground but no contractor has been secured yet. Joe will contact Kim Haegele about the lights in the bathroom.  The new trees will continue to be watered for a couple more weeks until they go dormant.
  • Green Team: Had a record turnout at the last highway cleanup. The grass had not been cut by MODOT.  Milton and Tim have been cutting the grass in the triangle all summer to keep it neat.  Next cleanup is scheduled for November 7th.
  • Community Garden: Still getting some produce: tomatoes, beans, radishes etc. Have annual rye for the beds.  Some people are putting upgraded soil in their beds.  Need to put the hoses away for the winter.
  • Wabash Garden: Nothing new to report.
  • Ivanhoe Planters: Need to pull out the canna and put annual rye in the planters.



  • Committee Chairs are reminded to send Greg their write-up’s in plenty of time for him to get it posted to the website before an event. If you’re sending him photo’s, be sure to label them or write a description of them so that he knows what they are.
  • Membership on the website: emailed reminders are emailed twice. Greg has added another reminded to be sent the day after their membership expires.


Block Captain Report

  • No meeting in October. Hoping to have a Zoom meeting in January.


Membership Report

  • 104 members have not yet renewed for 2020. Lindsay will print hard copies of the letter and mail them out within the next week. Email reminders have been sent out.


Safety Committee

  • Adam Rustige will chair the committee. Pat, Emily R and Terry Shelton form the committee.  They have met with the St. Louis Hills Safety Committee to get ideas regarding what they are doing.  Portable cameras can be purchased for $250 each + a monthly fee of $15.  These can be installed at any hotspot areas.  They also have magnets that contain safety information.  Education and communication are the highlight of their committee.  LPNA’s Safety Committee will have their first meeting on October 22nd.  There are a few recruits wanting to join the committee.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Still waiting to hear from Zia’s regarding the food truck refund (2 trucks). They will be contacted to see if we should keep it for 2021.
  • Only remaining bills needing to be paid this year are for insurance ($1,800).
  • $20,000 will be reinvested and $9,000+ will remain in the checking account.


Old Business

  • Flags: Garden flags are ready for purchase. There are 29 flags still available.  Cost of flag is $7.50 and the cost to buy one is $9.  Jack Beile will handle all aspects of the flags and send us a check for the proceeds.
  • Century Homes plaque: There are 435 homes over 100 years old in Lindenwood Park according to the list from the Assessor’s office. Jenna Stout, Miriam Moynihan, Kaye Campbell and Pat Acquisto will be running with this project.  The plaque is brass, silver and black, and round with a tree in the middle and the year it was built on it. We will try and get a volume discount and sell them for $30.  They can be attached to the house or on a stand in the yard.  We hope to offer a discount if the owners are LPNA members. 5-10 plaques for each year will be purchased and letters will be sent out to the 435 who’s houses are older than 100 years.  A pamphlet from the History Museum will be included with the letter.


New Business

  • Need to add an online store to the website. Greg to look into a Paypal store and speak to Hot Lava.
  • All Committee Chair’s to email Pat a list of their event dates for 2021.
  • 3456 Jamieson Church: The senior home is not happening. A neighbor currently has a contract on the property and wants to have a “work share” business. Property is listed at $269k (church and parsonage).
  • Knead was featured on Fox2. They will start shipping sour dough nationwide.  Joe has recommended Knead and Blue Print Coffee for the Mayor’s Spirit Award.
  • Kounter Kulture are opening an additional location in either the Grove or Soulard.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Roggeman