Tweetup At El Paisano

Come and join us for our first Tweetup of the year!


Venue:          El Paisano at 3315 Watson Rd.

Date:             Tuesday, January 26th, 2016
Time:             5.30pm – 7.30pm


If you haven’t made any New Year’s Resolutions for 2016 how about starting to attend Tweetup’s? You won’t regret it! Here’s your opportunity to meet new people from our neighborhood, chat to Alderman Joe and NIS Annette, eat some great Mexican food and have a great time doing it!

Tweetup is just another name for a meet up. There are no hidden agendas. It’s totally a fun and social event. You can be there for 10 minutes, say hi and leave, or you can stay the entire time. Some people eat appetizers, some order dinner, some order food to go, some drink, some don’t. We will be in the back section past the bar area and I’m told there are $2 margaritas on Tuesday nights! You are responsible for your own check.

Don’t be a stranger. We’d love to meet you! Tell your neighbors and we hope to see you there!