If you live in Lindenwood Park you should have received the 2024 Lindenwood Park Directory in a plastic bag hanging on your door handle (or somewhere nearby).
The directory is full of great local information relating to our neighborhood. Every licensed business is listed, churches and schools are listed and there are some writeups from the Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association Committee chair people regarding events and happenings throughout the year.
Go to page 64 (it’s the last page) and you will see an application form where you can join the neighborhood association (or renew your membership). Mail it to LPNA, PO Box 39036, St. Louis, MO 63139, OR you can go to www.lindenwoodpark.org/join and sign up or renew your membership there. Either way, please consider joining. Dues are only $15 per household per year (bargain!). All dues go towards the events we provide throughout the year (pg. 14 for the calendar), park upkeep, Lindenwood Live, LinFest, Trivia, etc.
If you have not received a directory and would like one, they are available from Machacek Library.
We sure value your support and hope you’ll have a great time at our events this year!