A Town Hall Meeting on neighborhood safety was held 1/29/14. The Police department presented information on neighborhood crime – primarily car break-ins and burglaries.
Information was shared about the Neighborhood Ownership Model, a partnership between the community and the Police to prevent crime and respond to it when it occurs.
Find out much more about the Neighborhood Ownership Model here: http://www.circuitattorney.org/NeighborhoodOwnershipModel.aspx
Two actions play a big part in this effort: Citizen Patrol and Court Advocacy.
Those who attended were asked to sign up if they were interested in either of these activities.
Training in how to apply these activities will be scheduled in the near future. The training lasts approximately 1 hour.
Citizen Patrol Training: March 19, 7:00-8:00pm, United United Methodist Church
– Justin Johnson will conduct the training. Anyone interested in attending, please contact Joe Vacarro, so he knows how many to expect.
What is Citizen Patrol?
1. Residents are trained by the Police to go on regular patrols
2. They report crimes and quality of life issues such as burned out street lights and abandoned vehicles.
3. They go to court to support victims and work with the Circuit Attorney’s Office to get neighborhood orders of protection
4. They write impact letters to judges.
Feel free to contact Janet Desnoyer if you want more information, have questions or wish to get involved.
The more people who participate, the better we are positioned to maintain the quality of life in our neighborhood. You can call me at 314-644-2205 or email me at: [email protected]