On Wednesday, July 13 and Thursday, July 14, the Catholic Heart Workcamp Crew helped the Neighborhood Association clean out the Wabash flower garden. This fall the area will be planted with native flowers to increase pollinators in our area. These pictures show the overgrown state of the flower bed before they started, their work in progress and the area after all their hard work was completed. Despite two long, hot muggy days and despite a powerful thunderstorm, the crew filled 50 thirty gallon plastic bags with weeds, vines and daylilies. Next steps include submitting a grant request to Operation Brightside to obtain native flowering plants to be installed in this area to attract beneficial wildlife such as butterflies, bees and birds.
Thank you so much for your hard work. Participants included:
Annabelle Blake of Father Ryan in Tennessee
Mikayla Bryan of Christ the King in Kansas
Liam Douglas of Father Ryan in Tennessee
Darian Kuckelman of Christ the King in Kansas
Iam Lefgren of St. Raphael the Archangel in Wisconsin
Donna Malfait of Christ the King in Kansas
Madelyn Michaelis of Immaculate Conception and Holy Family in Kansas