September 11 General Membership Meeting

Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) General Membership meeting

Monday, September 11, 2017
7:30 – 9:00pm




Lawn and Garden Contest Winners                         Janet Desnoyer

Committee Reports

                Announcements                                              Janet Desnoyer

                Block Captain Program                                 

                Community Garden Report                         Milton Murry

                Green Team Highway Clean-up                 Tim Nowell

                                September 9

                                November 4

                Membership Promotion                               Jessica Sullivan

                Membership Report                                       Lindsay Alsop

                Movie Night                                                       Pat Acquisto

                Park Report                                                        Craig Strohbeck

                               Park Clean-up September 30

                PayPal Update                                                  Greg Roggeman

                Tweet-ups – September 26                         Lisa Roggeman

                                                Aya Sofia


Community Benefit Agreements                              Aldermanic President Lewis Reed

                                                                                                Alderman Tom Oldenburg          


Legislative Reports

                Aldermanic Report                                          Joe Vacarro, 23rd Ward

                                                                                                Tom Oldenburg , 16th Ward


                State Representative Report                      Donna Baringer



Public Safety Report                                                       Officer Vince Stehlin


Library Report                                                                   Molly Pfeiffer


Lindenwood Area Senior Ministry                            Katie Weintraub


All general meetings are held at Watson Terrace Christian Church, 4205 Watson Road., on the corner of Watson and Winnebago.  Parking is available on the lot of the Watson Medical Building, corner of Watson and Lindenwood).

Our city representatives will be there, as well as a public information officer from the police department, and neighborhood board members. Sometimes local and state representatives also attend to speak with the public and hear from them.


Find out about: Neighborhood Meetings.