Pole Banner Contest

The Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) is delighted to announce that we have successfully worked with the City to gain approval for installing 10 beautiful neighborhood banner signs.  The 10 banners are 3’ x 5’ in size, and have been installed on various light poles around our neighborhood.  The banners are made of black aluminum with vinyl copy, so they are strong, long-lasting and require minimal (if any) maintenance.  They read “Lindenwood Park Neighborhood, Founded 1888” and have a picture of a tree on them. In order to promote the locations, we will be running a contest to identify them.




  • Find the locations of all 10 pole banners and email the locations to [email protected] – Please include your name, contact phone number, email address and the thousand block you live on (i.e. 70xx Oleatha).  You must identify all 10 locations to be eligible!
  • We have a wonderful prize of a gift certificate to J. McArthur’s Restaurant to give away to ONE winner.  If/when we receive more than one correct winner, all possible winners’ names will be entered into a hat and one winning name will be drawn.
  • Competition runs from Wednesday, October 14th until Monday, October 26th.
  • The winner will be announced at October’s Tweetup to be held at Mathew’s Kitchen on Tuesday October 27th.
  • You must be a Lindenwood Park resident to enter the competition.
  • You do not have to be present at Tweetup to win, but we’d love it if you were!
  • No LPNA Board Member (or their immediate family) may participate in this contest.


Lindenwood Park’s borders are defined by Arsenal to Chippewa and Hampton to the City Limits.

No pole banners are located outside of this area.


I hope you are as excited about these banners as we are!  Please feel free to email me any comments about them.  We have been working on this project since March 2014 so it is a thrill for us to finally see the finished project and to share it with our neighbors!


No project is complete without a lot of persistence, co-operation and a ton of support, so a HUGE thank you goes out to Alderman Joe Vaccaro, without whom this project would never have been possible!  Thank you to the LPNA Board for a vote of confidence, encouragement, information, assistance and lots of support.  Thank you to Kelly Signs and Graphics for designing, making and installing the banners! Thank you to the City of St. Louis for assisting with permits and various specifications. Thank you to J. McArthur’s for donating a gift certificate as a prize.