Our friends in the Southampton neighborhood have set up Facebook live Q+A sessions with each of the mayoral candidates in the upcoming election in order to hear their stance on various topics. They have invited neighboring communities to participate and attend the streaming events. The schedule is as follows:
Links to each session have been posted in the Lindenwood Park Facebook community. On the day of each event, the event link will be posted again. They can also be found on the Southampton Neighborhood association page. Feel free to mark yourself “interested” in each event in order to bookmark them in your events and get reminders.
Tishaura Jones’ session was hosted on 1/20, and was well attended. The recording of that event was also posted on the Lindenwood Facebook page, as well as the Southampton Association’s page.
If you are interested in submitting questions to be asked for any of the sessions, please send them to: [email protected].
We hope to virtually see you all there!