Come join us for a great night of fun and trivia.
This is one of the neighborhood fundraisers that helps us bring concerts to the park and movies for the kids, as well as the money to pay for beautification efforts throughout the whole neighborhood.
Thanks for supporting the neighborhood association!
Sponsored by the Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association
IBEW Electrical Workers Union Hall
5850 Elizabeth
Saturday July 26, 2014
7:00 pm
Doors open at 6:15pm
Tables of eight maximum
In honor of the 250th birthday of St. Louis and the 126th birthday of the Lindenwood Park neighborhood.
Prize for the best costume and best decorated table.
Snacks provided or bring your own.
Beer & soda for donation or bring your own.
Contact Pat Acquisto @ 314-781-2129 or
[email protected] for reservations.