LPNA Board Meeting Minutes – 8/15/2020

Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association

August 15, 2020 – 9.30am – 12.40pm, Online Zoom Meeting



Present: Pat Acquisto, Lisa Roggeman, Milton Murry, Lindsay Alsop, Karen Clifford, Carol Hofer, Tim Nowell, Doug Dick, Adam Rustige, Gabe Gassner, Emily Rogier, Joe Vaccaro

Apologies: Emily Yale, Greg Roggeman

Absent: None

Guests: Aaron Dohogne (Park trees), Kevin Kirchner (Development Manager, Circle K), Matt (Circle K), Felicia Foland (resident, re Circle K)



Aaron Dohogne provided feedback regarding trees provided by Forest ReLeaf in Lindenwood Park:


Accomplished to date: 8 trees were planted in the summer of 2019. 18 Dogwood and 20 Oak trees were planted in Fall 2019/Spring 2020.  All the trees are currently alive, except for losing 2 to city mowers.  A couple of branches were downed due to storms, but the trees are still alive.  4 yards of mulch was delivered, and trees were mulched to prevent weeds.  We had 2 community watering events that were well attended.  Aaron received donations to purchase a utility cart to transport water buckets. Lindsay has been very accommodating and assisting in finding volunteers to help with watering.

Going forward: We have enough volunteers to assist with watering through mid-October.  Each volunteer has been given 5 buckets with lids.  Aaron will email the names of the volunteers to Pat.  2 Yards of mulch will be requested from Forestry and will plan to spread it during the Fall Park Clean Up in September.  New trees have 2 red flags around them to alert mowers not to cut too close to the trees causing the bark to be ripped off. Black piping could be placed around trees to help protect them. Park’s Dept. will be asked not to weed whack around the new trees as Aaron would prefer his neighbor Jesus to continue doing it.

It is possible to plant some fruit trees if desired.  Also, possible to hold a broadcast of a baseball game on a large screen in the park.  Doug will write an article about Forest ReLeaf for the website.  Pat will email Joe a list of park equipment to purchase, ie. Wheelbarrows, pitchforks, shovels etc.  Aaron to ask LPNA if he needs sponsorship/equipment.  Next community watering event cancelled.  Volunteers will continue to water as needed.


A motion was made to approve payment for work done by Aaron’s neighbor, Jesus, and to reimburse Aaron for the purchase of buckets and extra equipment to a maximum of $300.  Motion made by Tim and seconded by Pat.  Unanimous agreement, motion passed.


Circle K

Circle K is asking for rezoning of the house next door to it.  It will be torn down and the property expanded.  Rezoning takes 4-6 weeks and requires a Board Bill.  Joe has started writing the Bill and hopes to have it presented when the Aldermen are back in session in September.  A meeting will have to be held, open to the public, it will be an F-Zoning with many conditions/restrictions, and no liquor license will be accepted.  Board Bill will take 3-4 readings and possibly be close to completion around Thanksgiving/Christmas.  The Conditional Use hearing will occur after rezoning is granted.  Conditions: 8’ wooden fence, enclosed trash, no flashing lighting, delivery times stipulated, security, no liquor, no outside seating that could encourage loitering and littering, and that the property be built strictly according to the plans.  Rezoning would be contingent on Circle K owning the property they intend to purchase – Joe to enquire if this can be added to the conditions.

Felicia, neighbor of new proposed Circle K property, requested continued communication from Circle K, Alderman and LPNA.  Has concerns about the intersection at Fyler and Jamieson and will not condone a liquor license application.

It was agreed that the intersection is not Circle K’s responsibility, but that lies with Traffic Dept.  Traffic will conduct an engineering study due to drainage issues.  Bollards have helped to stop people speeding around the corner and to actually stop at the stop sign.  Possible raised intersection (like a giant speed hump) is possible.

Circle K would request a letter from LPNA stating support for F-Zoning.


All guests left the meeting.


A motion was made to approve the rezoning of 68xx Fyler on the contingency that Circle K will buy the property to expand it.  Motion made by Adam and seconded by Emily R.  Motion passed by a unanimous vote.


The Minutes from July 15, 2020 were approved. Motion made by Emily R, seconded by Carol.


Neighborhood Meeting

Guest speaker Randy Breitenfeld, St. Louis Refuse Division.

Lawn & Garden contest winners – Doug.

Association Business: Tweetups, membership, park etc.

Elected Officials & Karen Clifford.

LASM & Machacek Library.


Committee Reports


Streets & Properties:

  • 7080 Oleatha: Big tree down in the back yard. Karen will ask owner about her plans for the property through the end of the year.
  • 6977 Pernod: There are some broken windows. No requests for permits noted. Nothing happening.
  • 6609 Bancroft: Possible suspicious drug activities is under surveillance.
  • Old Snax: Karen will ask owners to remove the picnic tables to eliminate “social gatherings”.
  • 3264 Jamieson: Cease and desist letter issued and added to problem property list.
  • Anmar Photography: Grass is being cut and maintained. Has not been filed with probate court. Need to find out what the owner’s (heirs) intention is with the property.
  • 6525 Tholozan: Owners were evicted.
  • 6449 Pernod: Vacant condemned building – person is in jail.



  • Tweetup: August 25th from 6pm-8pm via Zoom. This will be promoted via Facebook, Nextdoor, website and Joe’s e-blast.  Curbside pickup from Trattoria Marcella is recommended.



  • Park Upgrades: Pat and Joe met with Kim Haegele re upgrades to the park building. The building will be upgraded according to historic preservation requirement: new metal walls etc.  Kim will check into getting the bathrooms upgraded. We would prefer to have bricked walls, smaller efficient windows, new doors etc.  Joe has $300k allocated for the park.  $100k will be used this year to resurface the playground.  $200K will be held over for the building next year.  Will also look at redoing the sidewalk/drainage by the garage door as water pools there when it rains heavily. Park playground is still closed.   Joe will look into having the swings removed.
  • Building Keys: Tim has mapped out all the keys and the main keyring is housed with Craig Strohbeck. Tim has a spare set.
  • Green Team: Milton and Tim will cut the grass in the triangle and the Jamieson strip. MODOT has cut the grass along the highway. Sept. 5th is the next highway clean up date.
  • Community Garden: Have several requests for more garden plots. Lots of veggies are being harvested.
  • Wabash Garden: Looking great! Will be splitting and planting iris bulbs in the Fall and looking for volunteers to help plant.
  • Ivanhoe Planters: Looking great and they are being watered.



  • Nothing to report.




Block Captain Report

  • Emailed Block Captains regarding a possible Zoom meeting. Some people didn’t receive the email and will resend it.


Membership Report

  • Greg emailed renewal letters. Have received some responses by email and need to check the post box.  Find out if we can use Venmo to pay dues.


Treasurer’s Report

  • Nothing to report



  • A Safety Committee will be formed to keep track of cameras in the neighborhood and potential drug activity. Adam volunteered to chair it and Emily R will assist and report back to Block Captains.


Old Business

  • Harmony Homes: Had a conference call with Joe, Pat and the owner. Nothing to report.
  • Flags: The pole banner design will be used. Cost for one-sided, 3’x5’ flag is $45.  Garden flag is $20-25 for one-sided design.
  • Carjacking on Smiley: Occurred at 3pm, 8/5, 2 black males approached an elderly lady and took her purse, keys and car. No camera footage available.


New Business

  • New Pilates Studio: Next door to Babes on Ivanhoe. No permit info available yet.
  • Midwifery Office: Next door to Forest & Meadow on Ivanhoe. Will be doing home births and consultations.
  • SLACO Conference: Will be held virtually. We have 6 registrations.  Pat will email the schedule to the Board.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12.40pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Roggeman