LPNA Board Meeting Minutes – 7/14/2021

Lindenwood Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors

July, 2021


Attendance:  Emily Rogier, Tim Nowell, Pat Acquisto, Doug Dick,  Lindsay Alsop, Milton Murry, Joe Vaccaro, Karen Clifford, Adam Rustige, Aaron Dohogne, Carol Hofer, Gabe Gassner


Minutes – May, 2021 minutes approved by Gabe, seconded by Adam.


Aaron updated the Board on the overgrown area owned by Ameren on Wabash.  Ameren will be clearing it when they build a new substation in a few years. There is no sense in doing anything in the area until we see what Ameren does.  Aaron would like to plant trees by the skating rink in LP.  We will have to have someone water them.  It was suggested the put a rain barrel near them.  The next trash pickup will be Saturday 9/25.


Alderman Report – Green Light Dispensary will open in the old Robinson’s Jewelry location.  Chipotle is in violation of the conditional use permit.  A letter has been sent.  Joe is in favor of the apartment development on Clifton.  The Board will wait until we see a presentation from the developers.  The Board went over the 23rd Ward budget earmarked for LP.


General Membership Meeting– 9/13/21 – Will ask Scott Ogilvie to speak about bike lanes and the future of cycling in the city.


Streets & Property – Karen reported that the property at 693x Sutherland has a cease & desist order and should be up for the next tax auction.  The problem renters at 67xx Fyler are gone.  Mobil On The Run is a problem property, they were sent a letter but did not respond.  The heirs of Anmar Photography will be selling the building when it is out of probate.  Karen will see about killing weeds on the Jamieson median


Events – Swipe Right has been confirmed as the band for the 8/1 concert.  Adam will help in the LPNA booth.  Next Tweetup is at Babe’s.

Lawn & Garden contest is wrapping up.  Gabe asked to buy an additional gift certificate as a prize.


Beautification – Park has a dead sweet gum tree near the gazebo. Karen will notify Forestry.

The gardens are doing great Milt donated 40 lbs. of squash to the Senior Center.

Green Teams – Tim will get bids for lawn companies to cut grass at highway exit and make sure they can cut on state property.


Communications – cancel Zoom.


Block Captains – 1 new block captain, 51 total.


Membership – Approx. 275 members, quite a few new ones thanks to Century Home plaques and Lawn & Garden contest.


Treasurer Report – 2nd quarter cash balance $10,640.92, Money Market – $20,003.19.


Safety – Adam asked that safety magnets be included in the welcome packets.  The Safety Committee will have an officer appreciation BBQ at the 2nd Dist. Station.  A visit the Real Time Crime Camera Center is planned along with a Lock It or Lose It campaign.


Old Business – Pat talked to Brett Narayan about the possible QT on Arsenal & McCausland.  Brett assured her that he has had no proposals from QT.



Submitted by Pat Acquisto substituting for Lisa Roggeman