The Linden Heights Housing Corporation (LHHC) continues to promote housing quality in the 23rd Ward by sponsoring ongoing housing redevelopment activity. LHHC’s mission is to help combat deterioration and improve the quality of life through promoting housing redevelopment.
Even though the housing stock in the neighborhood and Ward is generally good, remains desirable and historically has increased in value, there are some marginal properties – some that even suffer from blight and deterioration. These properties are of interest to the housing corporation.
The housing corporation serves the entire 23rd Ward and includes the Tilles Park neighborhood in addition to Lindenwood. LHHC works closely with the 23rd Ward Alderman Joe Vaccaro, and indeed relies upon monies from his 23rd Ward aldermanic budget to actually fund its property acquisitions for redevelopment.
LHHC is committed to developing attractive market-rate housing – it is not in the business of sponsoring low income or subsidized housing. As part of its view, the housing corporation is interested in pushing the upper limits for development demonstrating that more upscale housing construction is possible within the ward.
LHHC itself is not a housing developer – it selects an outside private developer, which has actual responsibility for constructing, marketing and selling the finished property. LHHC is made up of 9 volunteer board of directors who are area residents and who make the corporation’s decisions. There is no administrative staff.
Working through the City Community Development Agency (CDA), LHHC originally acquires a piece of marginal property by negotiating with the owner of record. The property is then made ready to build, most often by demolishing and clearing the lot of the old structure.
Each project is formally bid with a developer selected that provides the most innovative design, best reflects the aesthetic characteristics of the surrounding area, and meets the requirements of the bid. The property is then conveyed to the selected developer when the development plan is approved by both LHHC and CDA.
Since inception, LHHC has sponsored 20 redevelopment projects resulting in construction of a new single family home. All (except one substantial rehabilitation) involved demolishing a very poor, obsolete and sometimes derelict building and replacing it with one that is new and functional for today’s living requirements and an asset to the community. Often this has transformed the worst house on the block to the best. Most were sold even before construction was complete.
Some LHHC activity occurred in the Clifton Heights and Ellendale neighborhoods which shifted out of the 23rd Ward with redistricting. An example is a new home at 6608 McCune in the 24th Ward which was originally sponsored by LHHC. Sometimes these developments take a long time.

Linden Heights Housing Corporation (LHHC) – Project Summary July, 2010
Projects completed:
- 6050 Arthur
- 6319 Arthur
- 6321 Arthur
- 6323 Arthur
- 7078 Bancroft
- 7082 Bancroft
- 7085 Bancroft
- 6641 Fyler
- 6535 Fyler
- 3281 Jasper Park
- 6933 Lindenwood
- 6562 McCune
- 6565 McCune
- 6608 McCune
- 6969 Bancroft
- 6553 Odell
- 6560 Odell (substantial rehab)
- 6613 Odell
- 3235 Regal
- 7156 Wellington
Homebuyer Assistance Programs Available
Two organizations, Better Family Life and Beyond Housing/Neighborhood Housing Services, work to help low- and moderate-income homebuyers become homeowners and enjoy healthy living environments. Available forms of assistance include:
> Personal budget assistance
> Credit counseling
> Home maintenance training
> Home inspection service/Lead-based paint education
> Arranged reserve accounts for future home repairs
> Forgivable homebuyer loans for down-payment and
closing costs
(homebuyers are eligible for up to $3500 for the purchase of single-family homes or owner-occupied two- or four-family residences)
For more information, please contact:
Better Family Life at (314) 367-3440
Beyond Housing at (314) 533-0600