Get Ready To Be A Lawn And Garden Contest Winner

The Lindenwood Park Neighborhood Association will sponsor the 2015 Lawn and Garden Contest this June. Every household in the Lindenwood Park Neighborhood is eligible for consideration. A team of former winners constitutes the judging committee. Winners receive a gift certificate to an area business, a yard sign identifying them as a winner, pictures of their garden posted to the LPNA website and recognition at the September LPNA General Membership meeting. Recognition categories include:
Best Overall Show
Best Container Garden
Best Backyard Garden
If you would like to be considered for recognition, or you know someone you would like to nominate please contact [email protected]. Let us know the name of the person whose yard you wish to nominate as well as their street address and either phone number or email address. The selection committee can take it from there. We would particularly appreciate nominations for backyard garden winners. Many people have privacy fences or garages which screen their backyard from view so self-nomination or friend or neighbor nominations to identify beautiful backyards.