2020 LASM Trivia Night – Virtual

LASM Virtual Trivia Night

A non-profit serving older adults in the Lindenwood Park Neighborhood is hosting a Virtual Trivia Night!  Enjoy a night-in with family and friends while also supporting Lindenwood Area Senior Ministry!  Mark your calendar and begin recruiting your team!

When: Saturday, November 14th

Time: 7pm

Location: Zoom

Team Size: Up to 8 people/8 devices

Needed: Internet connection.  Ability to access a Zoom link.  Some teammates.

How it Works: See attached “Virtual Trivia Instructions”

How to Support: Spread the word about this event.  Be a Round Sponsor for $75.  Pay suggested player fee of $10-20 per person or device.

Why: You deserve a fun night in and supporting a great organization that serves seniors in the Lindenwood Park Neighborhood (and beyond) is just what the doctor ordered!

Register: Fill out this Google Form or call the LASM Office at 314-647-4591 or email lasmdirector@gmail.com. It will be most helpful for us if you can provide the names and email addresses of everyone on your team at the time of registration.


The suggested player fee of $10-20/person or device can be paid on our website or by mailing a check to: LASM, 6401 Scanlan Ave, St. Louis, MO 63139.  All proceeds will benefit the care and coordination of our core services: Saturday Servants, medical transportation, Stephen Ministry, case management, social & educational programming and this monthly newsletter.  Hope to see you there!